jueves, 21 de febrero de 2013


 Eighth grade went to the encenillo biological reserve, it  was a Thursday in the cutural week and we had to climb a mountain, The children were taught by one girl that was like the guide , output drive out all day because we had to climb a hill and then lower , there were many plants and the flowers which are being watered by the climate. When we go to the encenillo my friends betted that we are giong to be late in the school because we were loving the nature , The encenillo became a nice place because there are many beautiful plants and flowers , eighth was stood all the animal that were in the plants like the insects , the encenillo were very big , we learned more about  this place . We met like three girls and one boy because they were the guides , thenn when we come back to the buses we started to eat the lunch because all the persons were hungry . The encenillo is very big we climbed a big mountain , wildlife also present in them, including some species of birds and plants unique to the country and the world. Encenillo Reserve is just 1 hour from Bogota in the town of La Trinidad, in the Township of Guasca who aims to preserve forests encenillo and endemic flora and fauna of the place.There was a trail to the oven which exists the visitor center and goes to an old furnace that processed lime limestone and it stopped working in the 90s. The generation likes going there because it was a great experience , we learn more, we enter the cave charm and feel in a world with no contamination, also the super-large encenillo is divine and makes us think that if we have a good planet, we could use nature for doing what we liked without damaging it,  Finally we liked the encenillo trip.

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